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Cigar smoking is an adult activity and should be done responsibly. Store cigars in a cool, humidified environment to maintain their quality. Consider pairing cigars with a fine spirit, such as whiskey, rum, or brandy. Enjoy the rich flavors and aromas of each cigar, taking your time to appreciate the nuances.
Brand: OLIVA
Product type: Tobacco
Item Form: Sampler pack
Origin: Nicaragua
Special features: Handcrafted with Nicaraguan tobacco leaves
Quantity: 6 pieces
Year of manufacture:Â
ingredients:Â Paper, filter, additives, flavorings, sales
Consume indications: Cigar smoking is an adult activity and should be done responsibly. Store cigars in a cool, humidified environment to maintain their quality. Consider pairing cigars with a fine spirit, such as whiskey, rum, or brandy. Enjoy the rich flavors and aromas of each cigar, taking your time to appreciate the nuances.
Disclaimer: Excessive tobacco consumption can cause serious diseases and addiction. This product is not intended for minors. Smoking seriously harms your health and that of those around you. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should not smoke. Nicotine is a highly addictive substance. It is recommended to consult a doctor before consuming this product. Contains tobacco, a highly addictive product. Tobacco smoke contains more than 7,000 chemicals, many of which are toxic and cause cancer. Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of complications. Keep out of reach of children.
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